Smalltalk Testing, Old Nintendo and Testing with Python.

Kent Beck talks about testing using smalltalk with patterns and a framework for it on Simple Smalltalk Tesign: With Patterns.

You can find annotations on it using, here is mine, for example:


This is on the WayBackMachine site, which is a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form, which include different versions of them throughout time. I searched for the nintendo web page and found that the oldest version of it on the site was from december 22th, 1996 and looks like this:


The difference is outstanding.

Now changing the topic back to testing, following the course of Unit Testing and Test Driven Development in Python from LinkedIn Learning, which has a really complete introduction to TDD and Unit Testing including the definition of terms used in this kind of testing, such as test discovery and test fixtures, accompanied by basic examples of how to use pytest to perform within PyCharm and other tools like Eclipse PyDev, what I liked the most is that it also gives insight to other related concepts, such as Uncle bob’s 3 laws of TDD and  python virtual environments.

I used PyCharm to perform the tasks, first I had to make sure that the default test runner is pytest, you can do it from settings:


And when you run the tests you should see something like this:


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